Sergej: These were the original seven principles. Then I wrote an article. I shared this with several people. Marko van Gerven, a colleague from the Academy for Integrative Medicine said he missed a principle showing where inspiration comes from. How does performance start? This was not part of Barrett's original work, so I asked you to paint this.
Sterre: I remember this one best. For me it goes back to the tree. A tree grows. This happens through the different seasons. At some point, a tree lets go of its leaves. These leaves originated from the whole development. These leaves now come to some place. Dependent on the wind and other forces. They come from a certain tree, a certain genre, a certain forest. And where they land, they can then be caught as inspiration. The form catching doensn't have to be an person. It could also be a group. Anything that can hear and catch the different sensations.
Sergej; I see the figure has hands? Is that a conscious comparison to the cultivating competence painting?
Sterre: Hands can also catch something. They don't only have to carry. They can receive something.
Sergej: Are you conscious of when you are inspired?
Sterre: When I am conscious I can realize that what I catch may be for me. It can become a conscious form from there. If I can accept it, receive it. Then I can think: "Maybe I can do something with this." If you see leaves, or seeds, which are similar. From the seeds new flowers grow. They can have similar ways of spreading, like the leaves. Both leaves and seeds have similarities in how they disperse themselves.
Sergej: I see two things here. Cyclicity, like the seasons, leaves falling, seeds spreading. And the moment itself, in which something is caught, and a new thing happens. What is this moment of inspiration?
Sterre: It depends on the concscious and unconscious. I would say that the moment happens when the leaves touch the hands. It can be both positive and negative. But you always learn from it. The moment of touching, I would call inspiration.
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